Residents Of Kwamhlushwa Pledge Their Support To The Anc

25 Days(s) Ago    👁 50
residents of kwamhlushwa pledge their support to the anc

Residents of KwaMhlushwa in Mpumalanga have pledged their support to the African National Congress (ANC) and promised to vote for it next Wednesday.

ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed a mini rally in the area. The residents called on Ramaphosa to remember their struggle for a better life.

Nkomazi is regarded as an ANC stronghold, and it was not surprising to see many of its residents in the stadium. The area, just like many in rural areas, still yearns for proper services.

"We have no running water, roads, as we are going to vote, we need to see change in Nkomazi, our area to also develop, young people are taking drugs and alcohol because of unemployment," a resident said.

"Right now, I do see change under the ANC government, I will continue to vote for them," another resident said.

"We dont want to experience load shedding after the elections, we also want our roads to be fixed and job opportunities to be created," a resident explains.

This is the presidents final push for votes ahead of next weeks national and provincial elections.

"The message to them is, remain focused, we are moving to victory, but that victory will only be achieved if we, all of us, put our shoulders on the wheel because we are now in the final push and this is part of the final push," said Ramaphosa.

President Ramaphosa is expected to address the partys final rally this weekend at the FNB Stadium in Gauteng.

Video: 2024 Elections - Youth in Nkomazi say they love the ANC and look forward to voting