Closing Gaps In South Africa For World Breastfeeding Week

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closing gaps in south africa for world breastfeeding week

World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year from August 1 to 7. In 2024, the theme is: Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All.

Association for Dietetics in South Africa spokesperson Prof Lisanne du Plessis, a leading academic from Stellenbosch University focused on public health and community nutrition, shares key components in South Africa.

Support for women to breastfeed any time, anywhere, so it is normalised and not censured

The barriers to breast feeding are not cultural issues but societal. This includes unsupportive workplaces and public spaces, lack of or poorly implemented maternity protection policies, ignorance about correct breast feeding practices, lack of access to lactation support and social perceptions about womens roles.

Mothers need to be supported to nourish and nurture their babies; and their partners, own mothers, mothers-in-law, grandmothers and the broader family and community should be educated on how to support breast feeding mothers and about the dangers of introducing commercial milk formula.