Career Tips From Women In The Travel Industry

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career tips from women in the travel industry

Being a woman in the travel industry offers a fulfilling career, though it comes with its own set of challenges.

Women in leadership positions across the sector shared their advice for young women aspiring to build a dynamic and successful career in the travel industry .

Chantal Gouws, GM of FCI

Gouws stresses the importance of setting clear boundaries between work and personal time, though she acknowledges that these lines may occasionally blur. She highlights the need for continuous learning and adaptability, as the travel landscape is constantly evolving.

Her advice is to stay curious, attend industry events, and keep expanding your knowledge, as your expertise is your most valuable asset. Gouws also encourages women to trust in their abilities but not to hesitate in asking for help when needed.

Gaynor Galbraith Neill, CEO of Cruise Vacations

Neill advises young women aiming for a long and successful career in the South African travel industry to balance modern technology with traditional values and hard work.