Are You A Man And Want To Take Better Care Of Yourself? Get A Wife-

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All through their lives, men are reluctant to talk about their problems, For example difficulties theyre having at school, home or at work.

This comes about because men are in constant competition with one another. They start scrapping as boys, and their later puberty, shorter lives, greater size and upper body strength have all evolved because men physically fight one another.

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Men compete with one another because women choose only the highest status males to father their children. Theyre even willing to share the best men, which means that many men fail to find a partner at all, and so far more men than women die childless.

So right from the beginning of their schooldays, males learn to keep their thoughts to themselves because any boy who admits to a weakness will get a rough time from the other boys. Conversations between adult men also always have an edge to them, as they battle for status, dominance and independence. And those battles can turn violent, especially between young men. Really violent, so that across all cultures, far more men die at the hands of other men than women at the hands of other women.

Men also get much more stressed in their everyday lives, leaving them less headroom to deal with an issue before they explode into anger. And they try to solve their issues without asking for help, which may not be possible because they lack the resources, knowledge or experience.

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